


  • The simple answer is no. The space and session is yours as the client to use in any way you wish to.

  • simple answer no. If you want the same time and day each week then it’s best to book that slot. Counselling can be hard with breaks in between and can work better for some peoole to have regular sessions. However i’m aware that work and shifts can often make that difficult. So we can work in a way to suit you.

  • simple answer no!

    Creative therapy can include doodling, using sand, paint, buttons, therapy cards, games, fairytales and stones to name a few. They are there as a way of exploring what can often be difficult to put into words and help navigate in a non judgmental safe way.

  • simple answer yes! It's good to have a journal and pens and paper handy. We can negotiate how we will work and with what and work to your needs

  • Yes you can stim and fidget. I have lots of fidgets and things to fiddle with if you need them. Or bring your own. Whatever you feel comfortable with. If you feel you need to move about, thats fine too. If eye contact is difficult, we can work around that for your needs.

  • No.

    The session is yours and i’m there to hold a safe non judgmental space for you. You won’t be made to do anything you’re not comfortable with. The creative items are there and available for anyone who wants to explore them. You can use the time in the way you feel comfortable with.

  • Yes, I am trained in working wth inner child. This can be done Once we have built a safe trusting relationship if it’s something you wish to explore.

  • Item descriptions I do. Here’s the direct link

  • There are a few walks I use in and around Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells. We discuss in advance and contract for that together. The therapy hub is on 7 acres of private land and this can be used in the same way, walking and talking.

  • At Wildfire Counselling and Therapy Hub, I offer a sliding scale for session costs to ensure accessibility for all clients. My standard session costs for 50 minutes is £50, the lowest concession is £25. These fees are based on your financial situation. Here’s how to determine where you might fall on our scale:

    A: £50 (Normal Fee)

    • I am comfortably able to meet my basic needs* all the time.

    • I am employed and/or have a regular income (such as a wage or benefits).

    • I have access to ample financial savings or assets.

    • I have ample disposable income. For example, I can regularly eat out, go out for coffee, attend events or activities like yoga classes or cinema, and buy new clothes/books every month.

    B: £36 (Average)

    • I am able to meet my basic needs* the majority of the time.

    • I am employed and/or have a regular income (such as a wage or benefits).

    • I have access to some financial savings.

    • I have a moderate expendable income. For example, I can sometimes eat out, go out for coffee, or attend events or activities like yoga classes or cinema.

    C: £25 (Low)

    • I may stress about meeting my basic needs* but still regularly achieve them.

    • I have a regular income (such as a wage or benefits).

    • I don’t have any savings.

    • I rarely have expendable income. For example, I can rarely eat out, go out for coffee, or attend events or activities.

    • I hold marginalized identities that impact my access to money.

    • I cannot afford an annual holiday or take time off without financial burden.

    Please note that there is a limited number of concession fees available.

    *Basic needs include housing (rent/mortgage), food, transportation, healthcare, and utilities.

    By offering this sliding scale, I hope to make my services more inclusive and accessible. Please choose the category that best describes your current financial situation when booking your sessions. Concessions are limited.

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