About Me

Hi, My name is Louise and you are very welcome. I’d just like to start by saying how humbled I am you have chosen to reach out and research the help that is out there to support you on your journey. From personal lived experience, I know how hard the first step of finding someone to trust and work with is. Whether you are new to finding a therapist, or had counselling before, you are very welcome here.

I’ve lived a sober life for a few years now, I have quite a few 24 hours under my belt. I’m a trauma survivor and I have lived a colourful journey and experienced many things that have driven my career in counselling to support others, to create a safe space in the same way that space was created for me.

The power of talking and being with someone who gets it, in my experience is invaluable and the first step to healing and getting to a different place.

I’m very down to earth. I care deeply about what I do. I trained for 4 years and have been dedicated to learning as much as I can to help others on their paths. I’m an avid reader and leaner and continue to learn new skills because I have a passion for what I do. A true fire in my belly to help those struggling.

I truly believe people have the solutions inside of them and my job is stay alongside and help them get there.

Not every counsellor is for every client. Counselling may not have felt right for you before, it just may not have been the right therapist or the right time, rather than counselling not being for you. I had to kiss a lot of frogs before I found the perfect one myself! So I get it. I am kind, empathic, and have a sense of humour and am passionate about walking alongside those and supporting them on their counselling journey.

Counselling can feel scary and emotional, and I like to think I’m a solid container who can hold that for my clients at the times they choose to come to me for help. I am innovative, a little different, and offer creative ways to explore your needs. You certainly don't have to be an art expert, far from it. However working with sand, therapy cards, collage, Russian dolls, pens, paper and paint, for example work because sometimes words are not enough. I counsel in person, online and in the great outdoors with walk and talk therapy. I want to make counselling accessible for everyone.

With a robust 20-year background in emergency services, a fully qualified counsellor my extensive lived and professional experience includes but isn’t limited to counselling those wishing to explore their relationship with alcohol, addiction or living with addiction whether that be a partner, loved one or friend. Mental health struggles. ADHD, sexual abuse, self esteem, trauma, domestic violence, inner child exploration, relationship navigation, anxiety and shame.

I offer face to face support in a beautiful idyllic Kent countryside setting. I also offer online and walk and talk therapy. If you would like a free no obligation 10 min call to discuss your needs, have a chat to see if we are the right fit for each other, then please email me at louisemalyancounselling@gmail.com or use the contact me button.

I look forward to hearing from you and wish you all the very best on your journey

Louise x

“Helping you find your sanity, in the middle of life’s circus”

“When life is a shit storm, i’ll hold the umbrella over you”

“The definition of insanity they say, is to keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result. So let’s do something different”

“it’s shit, I know it’s shit, i won’t tell you it isnt shit - because it really is shit. So let’s look at the shit together”

“I’m a bit skeptical about wrong/bad choices.…….Was it a bad choice? Or was it the best choice at the time, with the tools you had?”

“Let’s do this together, you don’t have to struggle alone any more”

“Counselling - turning life’s lemons into lemonade, one session at a time”

“Therapy - a place that’s perfectly ok to be a beautiful mess”

“No judgment, just validation”

“Shame thrives in silence. It loses its power when we share it. Let’s beat it together”